Using all of your strength, you pin Chad down by the arms on the stairs, and you both take a moment or two to relax. Breathing hard, dirty, your arms feeling weak and sore. You are gasping so hard that you can't even talk in complete sentences yet, and just as you think you might be able to calm your body down enough to ask Chad for the answers you need, hotel security comes barging into the lobby.
You two are halfway up the stairs, and they begin to run up to throw you both out. You look behnd you to possibly explain the situation, and that quick loss of focus is all that Chad needed. By the time you feel one of his shoulders wiggle from under your grip, it's too late, and Chad connects a hard punch to your chin! In a flash, he kicks you off of him, and jumps over the railing of the staircase to avoid the guards. He lands down in a pile of luggage and rolls to his feet with ease, running towards the back of the hotel. Just before the guards lunge at you, you follow suit and fling yourself over the side as well. Your landing isn't quite as graceful, as you stumble forward and try to remain standing, but soon you are hot on the trail again as Chad leads you through the halls of the hotel. The maze like hallways will confuse you if you don't stay on top of things.
Question 7: What was the first token of love that Taryn gives to Justn?
1) A charm to wear around his neck
2) A band to wear on his arm
3) A pair of contact lenses
4) His lucky coin