You MADE IT! He's run out of 'ammo' and you are beginning to gain on him once again. But now you notice Chad taking a right turn towards Lake Shore Drive, and he recklessly dodges out into the 8 lanes of oncoming traffic! You have no choice but to follow, and find yourself running top speed in the middle of the street while angry drivers honk their horns and swerve defensively to avoiding hitting you head on! You become terrified, but remain determined to catch yor prey.

Chad is almost hit, and has to leap up onto the hood of one of the cars to avoid being creamed by a bus! You see a car fishtail in your direction, and jump over it, your foot only briefly touching the roof of the car! This catapaults you on top of another moving car, and another. Both you and Chad are running on the hoods and roofs of the oncoming cars in the vicious onslaught of intense traffic! Trying not to fall off. Trying not to get killed.

The cars are moving underneath your feet so rapidly that it almost becomes similar to running on a treadmill. But if you lose your balance here...you're done for.

Question 3: The first time Justin uses his mental blast of energy, who was on the receiving end of it?

1) Taryn
2) Comicality
3) The Scavengers in the subway
4) Bryson